dflplot/Plot2Kill, Most Mature *nix GUI For D2

dsimcha dsimcha at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 17 12:37:05 PDT 2010

== Quote from Lars T. Kyllingstad (public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet)'s article
> On Sat, 17 Jul 2010 13:08:01 +0000, dsimcha wrote:
> > Thanks.  The GTK port is officially off the ground, i.e. I've now at
> > least got a basic plot window up.  Now, to decipher gtkD's font API.
> Awesome! :)  Can't wait to try this out.
> -Lars

If you (or anyone else) wants to play around, I've got a more-or-less working, but
admittedly buggy and unpolished version of Plot2Kill that works w/ both DFL and
gtkD up. By more-or-less working I mean you **will** run into significant bugs
trying to use it (the biggest one being no Y-axis text), but even the GTK version
is functional enough to produce this screenshot w/o any crazy workarounds:


The code is at:


Eventually it will be moving to its own dsource project.

You need either gtkD SVN or DFL release candidate installed before you start.
Then, simply download all the D files and compile all them with to a lib with
-version=gtk to use GTK or -version=dfl to use DFL.  (It doesn't matter if you
pass in the GTK-related files to the compiler when compiling the DFL version or
vice-versa because all the irrelevant code will be versioned out.)

Right now, the DFL version is less buggy and I recommend it unless you either want
to develop the GTK version or aren't using Windows.

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