static foreach

Navin Kumar navinkumar+dlang at
Sun Mar 28 14:37:49 PDT 2010

Thanks.  It would still be nice to see full "static foreach" functionality so that, as you pointed out, it can be used outside of functions, to add member variables to a struct, for instance.   I know people have been using m4 with C to achieve compile-time loops and branches.  D's "static if" is vastly superior to m4 because it has access to typeinfo and routines written in D.

I'm a little confused, though, why the author chose to overload "foreach" to either be a runtime loop or a compile-time loop based on whether its looping over a tuple or not.  It seems it would be more readable to have "static foreach" and simply put a caveat that it's only supported inside functions for now.

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