Improving Compiler Error Messages

Walter Bright newshound1 at
Sun May 2 16:27:47 PDT 2010

bearophile wrote:
> Error messages in Python are OK. But the whole syntax of Python is designed
> around the idea of no semicolons.

I think there's a misunderstanding. The bit about semicolons in the article was 
not about removing statement terminators, it was about the idea that a statement 
termination can be inferred. For example:

     import std.stdio struct S { ... }

The compiler can infer that a statement terminator belongs between stdio and 
struct, so why should the programmer have to insert one?

What Python did was use a linefeed as the statement terminator rather than the 
;. Python does not attempt to infer where they should go. The redundancy is 
still there.

Javascript is fundamentally different in that it attempts to infer the statement 

So why does D have ; as a statement terminator? The simple answer is because D 
is intended to have a low barrier for entry for C, C++, etc., programmers. The 
familiar look & feel makes the new language less intimidating. A personal answer 
is that I simply like it.

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