Phobos Proposal: replace std.xml with kxml.

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Mon May 3 14:35:55 PDT 2010

On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 09:18:46AM +1200, Bernard Helyer wrote:
> I'm going to keep on using kxml regardless, but I thought it would be 
> nice if Phobos had a working XML library. What say you?

I've got something almost ready to be thrown into the ring too, my
DOM lib.:

My initial goal here was to mimic Javascript in the browser, but it has
since grown to have a bunch of extensions too.

An important aspect of mimicing js is I don't really care about the xml
standard; it tries to figure out whatever ugly crap you throw its way
and makes a few assumptions for html. But, it can be used for generic xml
stuff too.

Adam D. Ruppe

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