64-bit support (Was: Poll: Primary D version)

sybrandy sybrandy at gmail.com
Wed May 26 16:07:24 PDT 2010

>>> And I think the zip file installation is fine versus using an
>>> installer, in fact I even prefer it.
>> Ditto. Windows installers always make me nervous -- you're never quite
>> sure what they're going to do, and what problems they're about to cause.
> Hmmm, that's quite a change of attitude since my Windows days. I
> remember I wouldn't look twice at an application that didn't come with
> an installer.
> Andrei

I too prefer the zip file approach.  I guess what turned me to it was 
simplicity of installation (especially if you have limited rights), 
portability across machines, ease of removal, and it doesn't bloat your 
registry which, AFAIK, will still slow your machine down since it's read 
every time you launch a program.

Though, if you package the compiler as a portable app 
(PortableApps.com), that would be cool too.  You get the benefits of an 
installer and the installation is still unobtrusive.


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