d-mode for Emacs

Gour gour at atmarama.net
Wed Oct 20 10:26:11 PDT 2010

Hello all!

I've contacted Bill Baxter - original author of Emacs d-mode about
its future and possible plan to move it to some public repo.

Here is his reply:

"Hey there, 
Yeh, unfortunately due to a change in job, I'm not really
doing much with D any more.  
Feel free to take my D mode, tweak it, and put it in a repository
somewhere. I think it's on a wiki right now, right?  So you can update
it on the wiki, and/or put a link to your updated version in a repo on
the wiki page."

Considering that having strong d-mode for Emacs is desired, so is any
more experienced D hacker and/or familiar with Emacs to take it over
and put on some public repo?



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA
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