GUI library for D

Adam Ruppe destructionator at
Mon Apr 4 16:55:44 PDT 2011

Michel Fortin wrote:
> On the other hand, one thing that is missing right now, in D and in
> most languages, is a standard way to display graphics.

Actually, I wrote something to do that last year, but I thought
it was too trivial to share.

What you do is just draw some RGB stuff to a big memory buffer. Then
you can save as bmp, png, or create a window to display it.

There was no interaction with the window, except closing it. You'd
pop up the window so the user can review the picture, then he closes
it and your program continues where it left off.

Changing it to allow some updating and interaction shouldn't be
too hard.

It worked for both win32 and x11, no libraries required.

The reason I wrote it was that I really miss the simplicity of DOS
programming, where with just a few lines of inline asm, you have
a dead-simple video buffer to play with.

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