CURL review request

Alix Pexton alix.DOT.pexton at
Tue Aug 16 15:17:31 PDT 2011

On 16/08/2011 20:55, jdrewsen wrote:
> Den 16-08-2011 16:43, Alix Pexton skrev:
>> On 16/08/2011 12:48, Jonas Drewsen wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> This is a review request for the curl wrapper. Please read the "known
>>> issues" in the top of the source file and if possible suggest a
>>> solution.
>>> We also need somebody for running the review process. Anyone?
>>> Code:
>>> Docs:
>>> Demolish!
>>> /Jonas
>> Spotted another issue...
>> In the example for Protocol.onReceive, there is a mismatch between the
>> parameter names specified for the delegate and those used inside it.
> you mean this one:
> client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { writeln("Got data", cast(char[])
> data); return data.length;};
> I cannot identify the problem?

My mistake, I was in a hurry and mixed up the functions ><
This is the snippet in question (lines 414-417 in the source)

> http.onProgress = delegate int(double dl, double dln, double ul, double ult) {
> writeln("Progress: downloaded ", dln, " of ", dl);
> writeln("Progress: uploaded ", uln, " of ", ul);
>        };

The last parameter is named "ult", but the writeln is passed "uln", I 
think more descriptive names might help.


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