A benchmark, mostly GC

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Mon Dec 12 23:22:00 PST 2011

Robert Jacques Wrote:
> >>>> Second, being a systems language means that D can not implement a lot of
> >>> GC algorithms including copying, generational and the good concurrent
> >>> collectors.

I disagree, as there are other system languages with better GC algorithms as D,  because they offer more safe features than D, lack of inline assembler being one of them.

And regardless of what you may think about these languages suitability for doing systems programming, there are research operating systems written in them with lots of papers to read from. Something that I am yet to see from D.

Yet when reading how Singularity was implemented, there are lots of parallels between what Sing# offers and what D does. So I really see that there is quite some possibilities to improve D's GC still.

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