Who here actually uses D?

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at gmail.com
Sat Jan 1 18:37:11 PST 2011

Caligo Wrote:

> You don't get it!  If only one back-end was used then there wouldn't be
> three different groups working on three different projects that try to
> accomplish the same thing.
> Also, whenever there is a failure in communication, you end up with forked
> projects, hence Tango.

I don't think you understand the situation at all. There are 3 projects trying to accomplish 3 different things and all use a common front-end. LDC is D for LLVM (no exceptions in Windows), GDC is D for GCC, and Walter's company is about writing compilers so he uses his compiler and is taking extreme cation to not be sued.

Tango is not an example of a forked project/forked anything due to communication issues. http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?StandardLib

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