A few comments on "Three Cool Things about D"

so so at so.so
Sat Jul 16 16:08:33 PDT 2011

On Sat, 16 Jul 2011 23:32:18 +0300, Andrei Alexandrescu  
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org> wrote:

> I think that's actually good feedback. People usually don't mention that  
> because they consider it politically incorrect. I've considered taking  
> some enunciation classes but a speech pathologist I talked to said  
> there's not a lot to improve at this point.
>> this is an interesting presentation, but this guy might be the most
>> annoying presenter ever– why is he compelled to ask everything as a
>> question before making a statement? «foo is bar. what does bar mean?»
>> pause for five seconds. somebody gives half-correct answer. presenter
>> gives correct definition. repeat.
> I've had this intuition for a while - asking questions works better live  
> than in a recording because there's much less incentive to think of an  
> answer for the offline viewer so those times are just dead. I think I'll  
> ask fewer questions during recorded talks.

You are just trying to be nice i think.
A video with many ideas, problems and solutions and he came up with this?  
He is just trying to attack but unable to find a reason. Probably he has  
no idea what most of the stuff you are talking means. If someone was  
giving a presentation speaking my language and this fluent, i would be  
happy and thankful, not a dick.

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