Dynamic loading of shared libraries.

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Mon Jun 13 06:32:07 PDT 2011

On 6/13/11 4:27 AM, Jens Mueller wrote:
> Steve Teale wrote:
>> Can DMD D2/Linux do this yet?
> dmd can't do it yet. But if all you want is to link a against a shared
> library you can try the following:
> 1. Create a shared library
> $ gcc -m64 -fPIC -shared shared.c -o libshared.so
> 2. Building (without linking using dmd)
> $ dmd -m64 -c dynamic.d -ofdynamic.o
> 3. Use gcc as linker
> $ gcc -m64 dynamic.o /path/to//libphobos2.a -L. -lshared -lrt -o dynamic
> 4. Execute
> $ ./dynamic
> Hello from shared
> I attached the files shared.c and dynamic.d, if you want to try
> yourself.
> Jens


Two questions - first, what steps do we need to take to convince the 
linker call from within dmd to work as above?

Second, how about the converse - loading a shared library from a program 
written in either C or D?



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