Library Development: What to finish/flesh out?

spir denis.spir at
Thu Mar 17 15:18:41 PDT 2011

I'd have much use for both below.

On 03/17/2011 04:33 PM, dsimcha wrote:
> 1.  Rational:  A library for handling rational numbers exactly.  Templated on
> integer type, can use BigInts for guaranteed accuracy, or fixed-width integers
> for more speed where the denominator and numerator will be small.  Completion
> state:  Mostly finished.  Just need to fix a litte bit rot and submit for
> review.  (Phobos candidate)

For decimal exactitude, what about plain fixed point (with decimal factor and 
binary mantissa)?

> 2.  RandAA:  A hash table implementation with deterministic memory management,
> based on randomized probing.  Main advantage over builtin AAs is that it plays
> much nicer with the GC and multithreaded programs.  Lookup times are also
> expected O(1) no matter how many collisions exist in modulus hash space, as
> long as there are few collisions in full 32- or 64-bit hash space.  Completion
> state:  Mostly finished.  Just needs a little doc improvement, a few
> benchmarks and submission for review.  (Phobos candidate)

How complicated would it be to add (optional) support for keeping insertion 
order (for iteration only)? Thought at a // array with pointers to the cells 
holding key/value pairs.

vita es estrany

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