Efficiency of functional code

bearophile bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Sat May 21 17:05:11 PDT 2011

(The topic of this post is just one: efficient compilation of code that uses higher order functions a lot. This post is not really about Haskell, or many other things.)

I am learning more Haskell, and I am back-translating most of my Haskell code to D2 too. I am getting more experience on code like this, that performs a Schwartzian sort:

swsort key = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . map (key &&& id)

In that code this unusual arrow:
(key &&& id)
means something like this lambda:
\x -> (key x, x)

In Haskell many of my functions are 1 line long, and often less than four lines. So the comment that Walter says often against shallow single-line Phobos functions doesn't apply to Haskell :-)

In Haskell code loops, explicit recursion, and even lambdas are not common. Even blocks of pattern matching inside a function are less appreciated than functions defined one piece at a time with pattern matching on just their arguments.

I am also doing many benchmarks. One thing I'm seeing is that the GHC Haskell compiler is very good at removing the overhead of higher-order functions (much better than DMD). If D wants to encourage functional-style code, that uses a lot the higher order functions of Phobos, then I think the D compiler has to learn to compile them quite better than now. I don't have enough experience of compilers yet, so I don't know how to do this. (I just think that the "conditional purity" feature will help compile better the Phobos HOFs).


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