Python vs D [ was Re: Bartosz about Chapel ]

Walter Bright newshound2 at
Thu Nov 10 01:31:59 PST 2011

On 11/10/2011 12:01 AM, Russel Winder wrote:

Your post has a lot of insightful comments, I'll just take this one:

> Statements such as "Python lacks a lot of powerful features that are in
> D" are fundamentally useless, just as "D lacks a lot of powerful
> features that are in Python" is equally useless, albeit equally true --
> possibly.  First of all, without explicit statement of features, the
> statements have no foundation to be proven right or wrong, and second
> without putting those features into the context of developing systems or
> applications software systems, there is no framework for comparison.

When I wrote that, I was thinking of things D has like support for concurrency, 
immutability and purity. These are outside the static vs dynamic typing issue, 
and so I thought it fair to consider them. I also believe they are powerful and 
important features.

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