SQL/database server capabilities NO ODBC please

Steve Teale steve.teale at britseyeview.com
Wed Nov 30 09:55:10 PST 2011

>> As far as I can see db-lib is a dead end for SQL Server - http://
>> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa936940%28v=sql.80%29.aspx. ct-lib
>> seems to be a Sybase branch.
>> Steve
> I've seen that page as well. I'm wondering if that is about Microsoft's
> implementation. Using Ruby on Rails, TinyTDS is the preferred way of
> connecting to SQL Server these days. We're successfully using it at work
> to connect to SQL Server 2007.

Well yes that could well be the case. As long as they are still using TDS, 
whatever is on the other side of that is a black box as far as they are 
concerned. I'll take a look at it as soon as I am on top of the ODBC 

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