Paradox about D's popularity.

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Wed Sep 21 10:18:48 PDT 2011

On 9/21/11 4:18 AM, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
> D is maintained by a group of volunteers (I've joined that group
> recently), with no commercial interest in it. Of course, that's good,
> but not too reassuring.
> I call upon all fellow D developers to help me put together a reasonable
> infrastructure for D and end this annoying popularity paradox once and
> for all.
> As well as try to spread awareness of D as much as possible using ads,
> reviews, benchmarks and anything else that people tend to read once in a
> while.
> I'm ready to donate money to sponsor an ad campaign.

Nice, enthusiastic initiative. I think you started in the right vein by 
contributing to our github code base. Looking forward to more to come.

One simple thing that could improve D's PR would be mirroring the 
Shootout benchmarks for D. Right now D is not present on the Shootout 
site, but the benchmarks are open-sourced and their use is encouraged by 
the author.

Once we have a setup for the benchmarks, we'd have a good basis to 
kindly ask the site maintainer to add back D to the suite.


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