More ddoc complaints

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Mon Apr 9 04:05:15 PDT 2012

On 08/04/2012 02:08, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> I have a pull request up to remove the big misfeature
> of embedded html in ddoc, and it is pending action,
> from me, to answer some of Walter's concerns.

What have you done - just made it convert < > & in documentation 
comments to < > & before processing?

What is the user who wants some output format other than HTML or XML to do?

> It is extremely difficult to document a HTML library
> when your HTML examples are mis-interpreted as
> markup!

Create LT, GT and AMP macros and use them in your code examples.

> Also, ddoc should outdent the code examples:
> The examples are indented in my source to line up
> with the declarations, but this indentation doesn't
> make sense in the output!

I agree.  Ddoc should remove the lowest common level of indentation from 
each code sample it picks up.



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