Let's give a honor to dead giants!

Froglegs lugtug at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 21 19:29:00 PDT 2012

> One thing I miss, though, is ctags support for D. You don't 
> know how
> powerful such a simple concept is; it lets you navigate 
> 50,000-line
> source files without even batting an eyelid.  :-) (Just try 
> that in an
> IDE, and you'll soon get an aneurism from trying to scroll with 
> a
> 1-pixel high scrollbar...)

  You need to use a better IDE then, and get a faster computer, 
and a mouse with a scroll wheel.

  With Visual Studio + Visual Assist navigating huge solutions is 
fairly trivial, and extremely fast.

  VAX can instantly take you to the definition of any symbol with 
alt-g(not the build in crap in VS, VAX has better capabilities by 
far), list all references(not just variables with the same name, 
it actually understands the code), rename any symbol throughout 
the entire codebase, and a bunch of other things that only a tool 
which actually understands the code can do.  All of these 
operations are extremely fast btw.

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