Extending UFCS

Piotr Szturmaj bncrbme at jadamspam.pl
Wed Aug 29 13:20:03 PDT 2012

The current possibility of UFCS is:

struct S { }
void func(S s) { }

S s;
s.func(); // equivalent of func(s);

why not add:

template sizeInInts(T)
     enum sizeInInts = T.sizeof / 4;

S.sizeInInts // equivalent of sizeInInts!S

Is it worth it? I mean adding static members to aggregate types.

Consider another example:

struct MD5 { ... }
struct SHA1 { ... }

string hash(Digest)(const(void)[] data)
     if (isDigest!Digest)
     Digest d;
     ubyte[DigestLen!Digest] h;
     return xformat("%(%02x%)", h);

and instead of writing hash!SHA1("abc"), write SHA1.hash("abc");

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