What's up with the windows headers?

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 27 03:14:15 PST 2012

On 27/12/2012 04:04, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>  And if I understand correctly, that's what the Windows API
> project does, which should make the transition easier. But there's still the
> issue of figuring out how to do that transition (like figuring out how to deal
> with versions and the like), and someone still has to do it.

You mean how to give people who currently _are_ using 
core.sys.windows.windows the time to convert their code to use the full 
bindings?  If win32.* is just migrated to core.sys.windows.* then the 
problem is solved, since win32.windows is a module that imports 
everything.  The only thing they'll need to do is do away with the extra 
Windows API declarations they've put into their projects, in order to 
avoid symbol conflicts.


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