Inheritance of purity

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Thu Feb 23 15:46:51 PST 2012

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 11:01:42PM +0100, F i L wrote:
> UTC, so wrote:
> >If you are not using an IDE or a mouse, this would be hell.
> lol wut? This isn't the 80's.

I still don't use an IDE or a mouse when I code. And I don't plan to.
(In fact, I rather plan the *opposite*.)

> In all seriousness, I think you're decoupling inherently ingrained
> pieces: the language and it's tools. The same way you *need* syntax
> highlighting to distinguish structure,

I don't.

> you *should* have other productivity tools to help you analyze
> data-layout. It's not like these tools don't exist in abundance on
> every platform.

I don't use them.

> And MS has pulled some really stupid shit in its day, but it's
> developer tools and support do not fall under that category.

True, they have their value. I don't argue with that.

But why should anyone be *forced* to use them? They're just tools. A
language is a language (a set of syntax and grammar rules with the
associated semantics). It's not inherently tied to any tools.


Microsoft is to operating systems & security ... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking.

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