Inheritance of purity

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at
Sat Feb 25 04:07:20 PST 2012

On 24/02/12 11:43, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 2/23/2012 4:01 PM, F i L wrote:
>> Well then I disagree with Walter on this as well. What's wrong with
>> having a
>> "standard" toolset in the same way you have standard libraries? It's
>> unrealistic
>> to think people (at large) will be writing any sort of serious
>> application
>> outside of a modern IDE. I'm not saying it's Walters job to write IDE
>> integration, only that the language design shouldn't cater to the smaller
>> use-case scenario.
> Do you really want a language that the source code isn't readable or
> browsable outside of an IDE?
> Like the switch from command line to GUI, perhaps there are some that
> are ready to switch from text files to some visually graphy thingy for
> source code. But D ain't such a language. I don't know what such a
> language would look like.

There are quite a few people who use LabVIEW at my work place. :)


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