D1, D2 and the future of libraries

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 21 08:07:49 PST 2012

For the last however long, I've been still programming mostly in D1, but aiming to keep my 
libraries compatible with both D1 and D2.

But changes in D2 have made this more of a challenge.  I've also been put off switching to 
D2 by the wait for D1 to be finished.

Now the plan to discontinue D1 at the end of the year has been announced.  And I'm 
wondering what to do with my libraries.

How many people here are still using D1?

What are those of you who write libraries mainly doing?
(a) supporting only D1?
(b) supporting only D2?
(c) releasing separate D1 and D2 versions?
(d) using versioning to support both with one set of code files?

If practically everyone's using D2 now, maybe I'll migrate my libraries to it.  If, OTOH, 
there's still real demand for D1 libraries, I'll continue to support D1.  I might have to 
see how supporting D2 as well works out.  It seems I'll have to abandon the idea of 
keeping the code compatible with the D spec as of DMD 1.00.  It seems the reasons for 
doing this never happened anyway, and there doesn't seem to be an equivalent milestone in D2.



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