killer App for D? (was: State of D on iOS/Android)

J Arrizza cppgent0 at
Sat Jan 28 17:58:40 PST 2012

>  > As far as I know, gdc can already produce ARM code since it uses the
>>  > gcc backend. All we need now is a nice native D interface to the
>>  > Android libraries, and I'll be a very very happy man.
Isn't this the killer "app" for D (like ROR for Ruby, etc.) ?  There was a
thread a while ago where someone said the popularity of a language depends
on an app that drives the use of that language.

So why not D-based Android applications? Consider:

- D-based Android apps running on millions of phones, tablets, iPad
killers, etc.
- Android developers choose Java for quick and dirty, or choose D when
speed is of the essence. "Quick and dirty" becomes less of an issue as more
of the common JDK functionality is added to Phobos or is at least available
for D. As some critical point is reached, why choose Java at all?
- As more devices use Android, it's GUI library will become more popular.
 With a bit of work, PC apps will start using D-based Android GUIs for
cross-platform development. Forget QT, GTK, etc. etc., use Android for the
app that runs on the PC, on the tablet and on your phone.

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