D front-end in D for D

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Sat Jul 14 08:15:11 PDT 2012

On 07/14/2012 04:44 PM, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 6:35 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen <alex at lycus.org
> <mailto:alex at lycus.org>> wrote:
>     On 14-07-2012 12:48, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
>         I just got an amazing thought. If we end up getting a D
>         front-end in D,
>         I think it would be possible to make the back-end in the same
>         space as
>         the code being compiled. This means, having the back-end as a
>         library
>         solution. This would automatically provide 100% compile-time code
>         introspection. This is just a thought. Not a proposal or
>         anything. What
>         do you guys think?
>         --
>         Bye,
>         Gor Gyolchanyan.
>     I can't tell if you're advocating writing a back end in D as well.
>     If you are, I am strongly against this. There's a reason it has
>     taken 10 years for LLVM to get where it is, and it's still far from
>     complete. We have better things to do with development of D than
>     reinventing the wheel.
>     --
>     Alex Rønne Petersen
>     alex at lycus.org <mailto:alex at lycus.org>
>     http://lycus.org
> I didn't expect D to have it. D follows tons of anti-patterns, that
> other languages have followed. It's yet another language with yet
> another set of insignificant changes. It IS the best one of all, but
> it's not even close to being at least minimally useful for a really big
> task.

Big words.

> For instance, everybody seems to love hard-wiring the syntax into the
> language.

Insignificant example.

Every language _needs_ to have a standard source storage format.

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