I just have to say that string mixins rock

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Thu Jul 26 10:52:53 PDT 2012

Am 26.07.2012 17:26, schrieb Russel Winder:
> What is the equivalent for D. Is the target C, C++, Fortran, Go, Java?
> What is the problem that D can solve that is so damned difficult in C, C
> ++, Go, Fortran?

Speaking from the corporate world where I work, I think most C and C++ 
projects that wanted to move away from them, did so by moving into Java 
or C#, while some small pieces are still written in C or C++, but only 
if really required.

Bitecode manipulation libraries + JIT also allow for lots of tricks, and
for most types of enterprise applications the speed offered by the JIT 
is good enough.

Some companies just opt for buying real Java compilers like the JET one,
or getting all their C# code natively compiled in the production 
environments with ngen.

The problem to get the still existing C++ crowd to accept D is the GC I 
imagine, even though projects like Modula-3, Oberon, Home and Sigularity
have proven that you can do systems programming in GC enabled languages.

Personally I miss natively compiled code by default, before the world 
went VM crazy.

What prevents me to use D besides toy projects is the lack of libraries.
Due to my time constraints I must use off the shelf libraries.


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