C++Now! 2012 slides

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Fri Jun 8 17:31:08 PDT 2012

On Friday, June 08, 2012 01:50:36 Peter Alexander wrote:
> - Drop the variadic find altogether.

It's _great_ that functions like find are variadic. It makes them more 
powerful, and they're still easy to use.

Ease of use, power, and performance are _far_ more important than code 
readibility when talking about the standard library. These functions are being 
used by _everyone_ and are maintained by a relatively small number of people. 
If you were arguing that they were hard to use, then that would be one thing, 
but arguing that they're hard to read is arguing about something which matters 
comparatively little.

And for as powerful as the functions in std.algorithm are, they don't tend to 
be all that complicated. find is certainly one of the most complicated 
(probably _the_ most complicated actually), but it's not complicated to use, 
and you get a lot of power out of it. And considering how insanely common it 
is to use find, having it be powerful is critical.

- Jonathan M Davis

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