D dropped in favour of C# for PSP emulator

Anders Sjögren" <anders at sjogren.info> Anders Sjögren" <anders at sjogren.info>
Wed May 16 00:05:28 PDT 2012

Since this post is about inuition, I'll raise my voice even 
though I'm a total D newbie (with background in C++, C#, Haskell, 

 From my point of view, the AssumeSorted way makes sense, but 
without getting a hit on it when searching for BinarySearch it's 
a bit cryptic. On the other hand, with search hits on the subject 
in the documenation, anyone should be able to use it. It's a 
matter of choosing if you want to express what should be done or 
how it should be done.

The concern I can see is about the difference in contract. 
BinarySearch explains how the operation is being performed and 
_promises_ to do a binary search. Contain does not promise how 
it's performed (that's the whole point, right?) and you're at the 
mercy of the library writer. For carefully profiled code, that 
can be a disadvantage, since any implementation change could lead 
to hidden changes in performance characteristics. Then you might 
want the control over exactly how the operation is performed.

The way I see it, both AssumeSorted.Contains and BinarySearch are 
overlapping in functionality (i.e. a fast search) but not 
equivalent in contract.

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