A simple question

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 16:19:59 PST 2012

On Friday, 16 November 2012 at 00:11:19 UTC, Stugol wrote:
> As to the module bug, I refer you to this error I just received 
> after trying to use D again after a long absence:
> "Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
> _D8infinity8standard3api7windows12__ModuleInfoZ	d:\Documents\Programming\WindowsApp1\WindowsApp1\"

That means the your custom module wasn't given on the final 
command line.

The easiest way to build a D program is to put all your files on 
the command line at once:

dmd main.d helper.d infinity/standard/api/windows.d [etc etc etc]

And it should then spit out a working executable without much 
hassle. Any libraries you use should be on that command line too, 
add the .libs as well as your .ds.

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