Import improvement

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at
Tue Oct 16 01:22:06 PDT 2012

> O_O .. That might be one of the worst things I've ever seen!
> It doesn't even make sense. Is there actually a vibe.d file? And why try
> to make the import statement look like a source filename?

Strong words aside, let me tell you that the "vibe.d" import is just a
small convenience for quick projects, so that you don't have to write
yuor own main() function - something that in general appeals to quite a
few people when using web frameworks in dynamic languages.

In this context it was just a funny idea to name it like this (named
after the project, not to make it look like a file, of course) and make
it a kind of unique trait. However, this is by no means a pattern. The
module that imports everything is "vibe.vibe".

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