D-etractions A real world programmers view on D

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Tue Sep 4 13:54:25 PDT 2012

On Tuesday, September 04, 2012 22:44:07 SomeDude wrote:
> The only experience I've had with dynamic typing (in Python), I
> can say I hated it. I prefer to write Java code, which I think
> tells a lot about my love for dynamic typing. I probably wouldn't
> mind writing some Lua code, but not in the large. Unless you are
> working in an environment which changes all the time, so that you
> need to adapt your code very quickly, dynamic languages are a
> waste of time above ~10,000 lines of code in my opinion.

Agreed. I avoid dynamic languages like the plague. I'll only touch them when I 
have to or when I need a script which won't require recompilation to run (and 
if D ever becomes widespread enough that you can reasonably rely on it being 
on a Linux system, then all of my scripts will probably be written in D). 
Dynamic typing is evil.

- Jonathan M Davis

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