reference to 'self' inside a function

Nick Treleaven ntrel-public at
Tue Sep 25 06:23:45 PDT 2012

On 25/09/2012 06:07, Rob T wrote:
> This is a little insane, but it works.
> int Recurse(int a)
> {
>     if (a <= 1)
>        return 1;
>     else
>     // can we replace explicit call to "Recurse"
>     // with "self" using a mixin or some other means?
>     //   return a * Recurse(a - 1);
>        mixin("return a * mixin(__traits(identifier, __traits(parent,
> {})))(a - 1);");
> }

enum string self = q{__traits(parent, {})};

int recurse(int a)
    if (a <= 1)
       return 1;
       return a * mixin(self)(a - 1);

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