D-thrift package detects regressions since 2.061, where is the regression suite located?

glycerine noreply at noreply.com
Tue Aug 13 10:49:51 PDT 2013


Apparently nobody has been testing the D - Apache Thrift bindings
since 2.061, and dmd has since accumulated multiple regressions
that affect the correctness of the Thrift implementation. I
emailed with David N. and he said that this was quite common for
each release of dmd, and that while he used to religously
evaluate each new dmd release on the Thrift bindings, he had
simply not had the time for more recent recents to test each

Serialization: this is fundamental. This really isn't the kind of
thing that should ever be allowed to break. Hence it really isn't
something that should be tested manually. It should be an
automatic part of the automatic regression detection test suite.

Where is the regression suite for D located, and how can I add to

There used to be github issue tracking, but I don't see it any
more... is it hiding under their new interface perhaps...?


- glycerine

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