D vs Go in real life, part 2. Also, Erlang.

Atila Neves atila.neves at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 05:50:51 PST 2013

> GC should not impact general performance in such scenario but 
> is likely to hinder latency which pretty much matches what you 
> are observing. Can you possibly provide information about 
> network layout, h/w and server code used for testing? There are 
> lot of possible oversights that can make results less legible, 
> would have been nice to verify those ;)

I'd have to dig in and see data to be convinced it's the GC 
making the latency worse than the C implementation, but from what 
I know you've got more experience with this so who knows :)

Doing this on a real network was waaay more work than I was 
willing to put up with for something a colleague said during 
lunch break, so it was done on localhost. The h/w is a Core i7 
Lenovo laptop (W530) with 8GB of RAM running Arch Linux. My 
server code can be found at https://github.com/atilaneves/mqtt, 
the C implementation has its own website: http://mosquitto.org/.


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