Volunteer for research project?

Brad Roberts braddr at puremagic.com
Wed Feb 20 23:02:51 PST 2013

Would any of you be interested in helping out (read that as "doing") a research / data mining project for us?  I'd love
to take all of the regressions this year (or for the last year, or whatever period of time can be reasonably
accomplished) and track them back to which commit introduced each of them (already done for some of them).  From there,
I'd like to see what sort of correlations can be found.  Is there a particular area of code that's responsible for them.
 Is there a particular feature (spread across a lot of files, maybe) that's responsible.  Etc.

Maybe it's all over the map.  Maybe it will highlight one or a few areas to take a harder look at.

Anyone interested?


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