D vs Go in real life

Bienlein jeti789 at web.de
Thu Nov 21 01:57:34 PST 2013

On Thursday, 21 November 2013 at 09:33:04 UTC, Bienlein wrote:
> What puzzles me is the enormous activity in the Go forum. Only
> the Python forum has that much traffic. It seems to me that
> people are all that happy if they have a language with which 
> they
> can just start hacking around on something.
> That is because Go doesn't force anyone to think about design.
> The only design-level construct it has is the class an that's 
> it.
> Embedding is truly only to save coding effort not having to type
> in dereferenciation chains as in C. There is nothing except
> classes, but no inheritance, traits, mixins, overriding, etc. So
> there is nothing that forces you to think about your design in
> Go. And you don't have to know about manual memory management as
> in Rust.
> -- Bienlein

I forgot to say that I really don't know what this will end up in

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