Lost a new commercial user this week :(

Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Dec 20 12:36:47 PST 2014

FWIW, I'd like to thank you for taking the time (and putting up 
with some undeserved abuse for it) to write about your experience 
in trying to get other people to adopt D. For some they might be 
known issues, but the fact is these things matter, and knowing 
about them is part of fixing them.

Alas, I abandoned doing development on Windows ages ago, so it's 
not something I can help with. I don't rely on debuggers myself, 
but I do use them when it makes sense to me and it's annoying 
enough when gdb can't print things properly even with Iain's 
patched version.

As for the documentation, like others I don't mind it or have any 
problems with it, but that's not the point here. The point is 
that potential new users did, and so it needs to be improved.

Your problems are not issues I have or had; but others did and as 
much as like my Arch Linux some will prefer Windows and the 
experience has to be good for them as well.


> Sorry, there were 3 guys in particular who were ripping into me 
> for
> whatever reason. Sorry for the blanket statement, it was 
> directed at
> them. I don't really feel I need to be ripped apart for trying 
> to
> encourage D use in the office, and then reporting on our 
> experience.
> You were personally supportive, so to yourself (and others), 
> thanks.

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