Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Thu Jan 23 13:28:00 PST 2014

Am 23.01.2014 22:20, schrieb Atila Neves:
>> I did an internship at CERN during 2003-2004. Lots of interesting C++
>> being used there as well.
> Small world, we were at CERN at the same time. There's still a
> lot of "interesting" C++ going on there. I haven't worked there
> in 5 years but my girlfriend still does. What's worse is how
> "interesting" their Python is as well... screwing up C++ is easy.
> Doing that to Python takes effort.

Who knows, we might even have been seating close to each other!

I was there under the Portuguese program (ADI) at ATLAS HLT,
from January 2003 to December 2004.

>> I still like C++, but with C++14 and whatever might come in C++17 it
>> might just be too much for any sane developer. :\
> I know what you mean. C++11 is a lot better than C++2003 but I
> don't think anyone could argue with a straight face that it's not
> more complicated. Fortunately for me, I started learning D pretty
> much as soon as I realised I was still shooting myself in the
> foot with C++11.

I do use it from time to time in hobby projects, now less so thanks to D 
and friends.

At work, the enterprise world is all about JVM and .NET languages. I 
only touch C++, when we replace C++ based systems by the former ones.

>>> Unfortunately this is a field where Fortran is still the dominant
>>> language.
>> Yep, ATLAS still had lots of it.
> A lot of it is being / has been converted to C++, or so I hear.
> Atila

Thanks for the info,


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