Which tools do you miss in D?

Manu turkeyman at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 05:12:46 PST 2014

On 27 January 2014 22:14, Jacob Carlborg <doob at me.com> wrote:

> On 2014-01-27 09:11, Manu wrote:
>> In order:
>> 1. A debugger (that works properly)
>> 2. Go-to definition (that always works)
>> 3. Auto-complete (that always works)
> How well do these work for you in Visual Studio for C++? I'm finding cases
> in Xcode where it doesn't always work, especially in DMD.

The VC debugger is perfect for C/C++. I can't imagine how it would be
improved. You can even edit your code and rebuild+relink while it's running
to make minor runtime tweaks, and continue execution using the modified
Go-to definition is not perfect, but it works 95% of the time.
Auto-complete is very good in C/C++ but there are a few rough edges
(possibly from complex preprocessor mess?), but C# is the clear benchmark
for quality here.

D doesn't have a preprocessor or a horrible network of text include, it
should easily be able to match the C# experiences in general.

I say 'that always works' above, implying that it sometimes works... which
is true, but it's in the realm of 30% for me, which is unreliable enough to
be very annoying. Any time 'class' appears in D, it all goes south under

 4. Import management (missing/duplicate/unused imports)
>> 5. Typical suite of modern refactoring tools
> I agree on all the above.
> --
> /Jacob Carlborg
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