D to ASM.js vs D to Dart (VM)

Etienne via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri May 16 07:46:42 PDT 2014

On 2014-05-16 10:41 AM, Chris wrote:
> Isn't it sometimes just choosing the lesser evil instead of being able
> to choose something really good?

Alright, so you can try and make something really good and see if it can 
satisfy 95% of the world's offices as much. Even with infinite funds and 
teammates, chances are you'll quickly end up admiring that "dreadful 
Microsoft"'s employees for putting up with that shit and making 
something good out of it.. whatever the salary. Companies don't make 
humans miserable; humans make humans miserable. Hatred for humans 
because they serve other humans under a banner is just plain ignorance

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