SDC needs you

Joakim via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Apr 15 22:07:55 PDT 2015

On Thursday, 16 April 2015 at 04:05:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> Forgive my being skeptical but my repeated appeals to 
> contributions - most of them important, urgent, and of high 
> impact - sometimes labeled with [WORK] in this forum, have been 
> answered by the same very small kernel of contributors 
> (including Walter and myself), regardless of their difficulty 
> (sometimes trivial). Lists, labels, management techniques that 
> are touted in this forum every few months or so - no avail. The 
> vision document that everybody asked about? Read and dutifully 
> ignored - back to the next naming debate. The sad reality is 
> that if one of about a handful of core folks doesn't do it, it 
> won't get done. My resolution is to do more of everything; that 
> way more of everything will get done. -- Andrei

I understand that it's frustrating to get stuff done on a 
decentralized open source project, but you have to help 
contributors a bit in order for them to help you.  Your [WORK] 
appeals have been a great step- I had one of them open in my 
browser to remind me to get to it, but Walter beat me to it- but 
the forum is not easy to keep track of and navigate for newbies.  
How much harder would it be for you to stick all those in a 
single wiki page, to make it easier for noobs to find and easy 
for us to point them at?  That's all I'm asking for.  As far as I 
can tell, lists and bugzilla labels have not actually been tried 
yet, so you cannot dismiss them so easily.

As for the vision document, it was definitely a step in the right 
direction, so that the community is clear on the vision of the 
BDFLs, but it was a little less concrete than I would have liked. 
  Back it up with some concrete lists of issues for each vision 
item and it would go a lot further, for example, what are the 
five bugzilla issues that would most help improve quality of 
implementation?  Without listing those, it's just airy talk, 
missing specific steps you'd like to see taken.

Of course, you can go to all the trouble of coming up with a list 
of action items and nobody outside the core group may still 
contribute, as I said from the beginning.  But if you don't make 
it easier for new or non-core contributors, you just lowered the 
odds of them pitching in from 7% to 1%.  All we're trying to do 
is raise those odds, and I don't think a list will take you or 
Walter much time, just like this one deadalnix put up.

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