Microsoft to contribute to Clang and LLVM project

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Dec 10 23:40:55 PST 2015

On 2015-12-10 18:36, jmh530 wrote:

>> REPL, data/config format, perhaps vibe.d diet templates.
> Like how rdmd simplifies using dmd, you would want something that
> simplifies things further? Like so that when you run something from
> rdmd, it doesn't just compile things and then run, it starts running and
> then JITs what is needed.
> I think there definitely would be something convenient about a language
> that you could easily compile or use like a scripting language without
> changing the syntax at all.

I'm not sure how related rdmd is to the above mentioned features. If one 
would use rdmd for the above, it would require to compile the code as a 
dynamic library and the load that. I guess that could be possible.

/Jacob Carlborg

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