D casually mentioned and dismissed + a suggestion

thedeemon via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue May 12 20:30:52 PDT 2015

On Tuesday, 12 May 2015 at 18:35:10 UTC, FujiBar wrote:
> "Wikipedia tells us that there were a lot of other attempts 
> besides D to kill C++ - for example Vala, Cyclone, Limbo, BitC. 
> How many of you have even heard of these languages?"

I've heard of every one except Limbo.

> Walter would probably violently disagree with the "no decent 
> development tools" assessment. But I got to say that people 
> used to Visual Studio and XCode (like myself) not being 
> impressed  by D's 1980s-style bare basic command line tools is 
> not surprising.

I program in D in Visual Studio and it's fine, I like the 
experience more than doing C++ in VS. Because the support for C++ 
in VS was always a meh, not comparable to C#, for example. Only 
if you use a special third-party tool like Visual Assist X you 
get some real benefits and only then you start to miss them in 

> I think an IDE, one could call it "DCode" (great name, isn't 
> it?), which integrates all the available tools and provides a 
> modern graphical interface to them would do wonders.

Have you actually tried Mono-D and VisualD?

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