dmd codegen improvements

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Sep 4 00:52:28 PDT 2015

On Friday, 4 September 2015 at 07:44:23 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> Looking how many languages compile to JS and how many JS 
> libraries there are out there that try to invent some kind of 
> new syntax for declaring classes and now E6, I would say a lot 
> of people are not satisfied with the current state of JS.

Yes, JS gets painful once you get above 1000 lines of code. 
Fortunately we can now use typed ES6 also on older platforms. 
There are also polyfills for things like Promises (async), and 
Fetch (dead easy ajax http request).

>> You could also use typescript, typescript playground
>> is quite fun. It allows you to explore the JS output in 
>> realtime.
> Yeah, that's one those languages I was thinking about ;)

I have no problem recommending TypeScript with WebStorm (or some 
other editor) for business like applications. For more demanding 
apps I think we need a more traditional language that generates 
high quality asm.js like code as well as regular ES6 and some 
clean bridging. So either a new language or a modified language 
(like a D++ or something).

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