Fixed date to move to ddox for Phobos documentation

ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat Jun 4 10:52:47 PDT 2016

On 06/04/2016 07:25 PM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
> I think ideally we could do something like introducing a special
> "Cheatsheet" section or macro for each function that DDOX could
> aggregate or use instead of the normal short description. Also
> interesting (although less so since we started using sub modules) would
> be to do the same for a group/category that would be used to group
> symbols by other means that simply their type category.
> The downside is that the normal Ddoc generated docs couldn't use that
> information to display the overview tables like it does now, so it would
> make most sense to do this after making the switch.

Thinking about this, if the information in the cheat sheet is the most 
helpful, maybe we should be putting exactly that in the summaries of 
things. Meaning, maybe we should change summaries to be one short 
sentence and/or one short example.

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