Compile time performance for metaprogramming is somewhat inconsistent

maik klein via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Mar 2 18:03:01 PST 2016

Consider the following code

void main()
     import std.stdio;
     import std.range: iota, join;
     import std.algorithm.iteration: map;
     import std.conv: to;
     import std.meta: aliasSeqOf, staticMap, AliasSeq;
     enum types = "AliasSeq!(" ~ iota(0,10000).map!(i => 
to!string(i)).join(",") ~ ")";
     alias t = AliasSeq! (mixin(types));
     //alias t1 = aliasSeqOf!(iota(0, 10000));

't' compiles on my machine in ~3.5 seconds while 't1' needs ~1 
minute to compile. It seems that mixins are just way more 
performant than template instantiations. Any ideas why? What 
causes the slowdown and what can I improve?

Also I compared some meta stuff in C++ and D.

For example filtering

enum isEven(alias i) = i % 2 is 0;
void main()
     import std.stdio;
     import std.range: iota, join;
     import std.algorithm.iteration: map;
     import std.conv: to;
     import std.meta: AliasSeq, Filter;
     enum types = "AliasSeq!(" ~ iota(0,10000).map!(i => 
to!string(i)).join(",") ~ ")";

     alias t = AliasSeq!(mixin(types));
     alias evenTypes = Filter!(isEven,t);

Someone was also so kind to create this in C++ though it looks a 
bit more crazy because he wanted to do roughly the same thing.

The D version compiles in ~14.5 seconds while the C++ version 
compiles in ~4.2 seconds. This was very surprising to me.

The more Hana like code is here

*I wasn't yet able to run the Hana benchmarks yet because the 
build script doesn't detect my ruby executable.

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