Garbage Collector?

Ben via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Apr 28 00:35:00 PDT 2017

On Thursday, 27 April 2017 at 22:43:56 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
> You replied to the wrong person here, seeing as I did not link 
> to the article you're referring to,


> so I'll reply:
> Expanding the continuous memory region a dynamic array consists 
> of (possibly moving it) once it overflows has absolutely 
> nothing to do with the GC, or even the language, it's how the 
> abstract data type "dynamic array" is defined. D just does this 
> transparently for you by default. If you already know the exact 
> or maximum size, you can allocate *once* (not 6 times) using 
> `new` and `.reserve` respectively *before* entering the loop, 
> like that article explains in depth.

You seem to be missing the fact that i pointed this out. The fact 
that the GC might have done up to 6 collection rounds in that 
loop is "ludicrous".

> Um, what? Memory (de)allocation (in C often malloc/free) and 
> object (de)contruction (in C usually functions with some naming 
> conventions like `type_init`/`type_deinit`) are on two entirely 
> different layers! Granted, they are often combined in C to 
> functions with names like `type_new`/`type_free`, but they are 
> conceptually two distinct things. Just to be very clear, here 
> is a primitive diagram of how things work:
> make object O of type T:
> <OS> --(allocate N bytes)--> [memory chunk M] --(call 
> constructor T(args) on M)--> [O]
> dispose of O:
> [O] --(call destructor ~T() on O)--> [memory chunk M] 
> --(deallocate M)--> <OS>
> D's garbage collector conceptually changes this to:
> make object O of type T:
> <OS> --(GC allocates)--> [GC memory pool] --(allocate N 
> bytes)--> [memory chunk M] --(call constructor T(args) on M)--> 
> [O]
> dispose of O:
> [O] --(call destructor ~T() on O)--> [memory chunk M] 
> --(deallocate M)--> [GC memory pool] --(GC deallocates)--> <OS>
> with the specific restriction that you have *no* control over 
> 'GC deallocates' and only indirect control over 'GC allocates' 
> (by allocating more memory from the GC than is available its 
> the pool).
> Working on the memory chunk layer is memory management.
> Working on the object layer is object lifetime management.
> D offers you both automatic memory management and automatic 
> lifetime management via its GC.
> What you describe is manual object lifetime management (which 
> is what std.conv.emplace and object.destroy exist for) and has 
> no effect on the automatic memory management the GC performs.
> You *can* do manual memory management *on top* of the GC's 
> memory pool (using core.memory.GC.{alloc/free) or the newer, 
> generic Alloactor interface via 
> std.experimental.allocator.gc_allocator.GCAllocator.{allocate/deallocate}), but these operations will (generally) not yield any observable difference from the OS's perspective.
>> That is assuming the GC removes the memory reference when you 
>> call it. I remember seeing in some other languages ( C# 
>> possibly? ) that referring a variable to be freed only meant 
>> the GC freed the memory when it felt like it, not the exact 
>> spot when you told it.
> Again, you seem to mix object lifetime management and memory 
> management. You cannot tell the GC to free memory back to the 
> operating system (which is what the free syscall does and what 
> you seem to be describing). You can *only* free memory you 
> allocated *from* the GC *back* to the GC. The GC decides when 
> (and if) any memory is ever being freed back to the OS (which 
> is kinda one major point of having a GC in the first place).

I know, i do not express myself very well in English.

> In my experience most people's aversion to GCs can be aptly 
> described by the German proverb "Was der Bauer nicht kennt, das 
> frisst er nicht" (the meaning of which being that most people 
> generally like living in comfort zones and rarely - if ever - 
> dare to leave them of their own free will; that includes 
> developers, sadly).

Unfortunately i do have plenty of experience with GC kicking in 
on the wrong moments ( or not at the right moments, people forget 
that one ).

I am sure that the amount of people who develop in GC languages 
is much bigger these days then manual managed languages ( what is 
more or less a rarity these days among the new languages ). Even 
Rust still has some background management going on ( like the 
byte counter ).

Maybe its my opinion only but a good language will not put 
anything in the way of the developer but will point out mistakes.

The Rust compiler is not a bad example but it can be taken a step 
more. Is it so hard for developers when you declare a variable, 
to later also clean it up???

var x = 1;
// Do work;

Easy ... Sure, it becomes a little bit more tricky with ownership 
but that is where the compiler can help and simply state: "Hey, 
you forgot this variable, it does not seem to be used beyond this 
point". Just calling the seem to be too much work for 
developers these days.

Up to now i found very few languages that did this correctly. But 
this is a offtopic discussion.

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