Symbols missing, unmangle!

lobo via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Aug 30 22:37:40 PDT 2017

On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 22:21:52 UTC, Johnson wrote:
> On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 22:07:29 UTC, lobo wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 20:23:18 UTC, Johnson Jones 
>> wrote:
>>> [...]
>> Your error message already displays "void 
>> Munchhousin.Munchhousin.Go!(short).Go()"
>> Is this not the missing symbol?
>> I don't read mangled names either and I've found ddemangle 
>> tool helps. It ships with dmd.
>> bye,
>> lobo
> It might be the same. If that is the case then it would be nice 
> if it didn't display the junk that gets in the way(e.g., add a 
> switch).
> I don't want to have to hunk and peck for stuff(even if it's 
> nearly obvious in some cases). In VisualD, the mangled crap is 
> on a long line that I have to scroll, which is time consuming. 
> Even if wrap is on it still isn't pretty. I mean, if the logic 
> is "It shows the information" then why not just display it 
> directly in binary and let the end user convert it in their 
> head. If they are too stupid to do so then create an online 
> demangler site and a few college classes to teach them how. At 
> some point it becomes ridiculous. Technology is suppose to make 
> our lives easier, not harder. Usually these things are left the 
> way they are until someone gets tired of it and fixes it, it's 
> not that it can't be done, it's that no one seems to care(or it 
> would have been done or the time is now).

Dunno about VisualD, never used it. I'm using Vim and have it 
piping the output through ddemangle automatically so mangled 
names are not an issue. I'd assume VisualD can do the same.

Sounds like you might be that someone who got tired of it and 
cares enough to implement the necessary pull request.

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