Enough D to Make a Living?

Dukc via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Feb 21 13:11:50 PST 2017

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 15:34:02 UTC, Paul wrote:
> I'm in between engineering jobs and exploring the idea of 
> getting into programming for a living...specifically D.

Well, D is nowhere near the popularity of the most common 
languages so projects which use D are still rare. There are some, 
trough. However, if you get to choose your language, chances are 
probably good you can. I believe D is stable enough to function 
well in all but the biggest projects. And if you make your 
project, it won't be big enough to cause serious problems.

But even if you won't use D, it may be even the best choice to 
learn, because it handles so many programming styles and shares 
syntax with many common languages. That means that few languages 
are utterly alien for a D programmer. If you learned Pascal, you 
would likely find Haskell totally alien and vice-versa. But a D 
programmer will find some familiarity in both.

Take these with a grain of salt, I do not have much personal 
experience in things like this.

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